Monday, January 9, 2012

Happy New Year!

Many folks are very good about putting out an annual greeting card to their family and friends. I am blessed to receive many of these beautiful greetings each year from my own family and friends. I love seeing their photos and learning about their adventures that took place during the previous year. Checking out the kids' photos is especially fun since it affords the opportunity to notice changes in growth and appearance: "Oh my! Look how those kids have grown! I remember when they were born!"(I've noticed though that not many of my adult friends like to put themselves in the photo cards anymore. Perhaps they do not enjoy seeing the evidence of the passage of time on their faces?)

As much as I enjoy receiving these great cards and letters though, I am not one of those people who reciprocates. And I am really OK with that. Long ago, I gave myself permission to pass on membership in that club. The thought of having to produce such a publication every December or January is just too stressful for me. I would worry about which photo to use. Or worse yet, what if there was not a single good photo of me and my family to send?! I would worry about what to write to people about the previous year's personal events. I don't want to appear to be too braggy or too kvetchy. I don't want to say anything to cause any unpleasant feelings for anyone about anything. But then that would make for a fairly boring family update wouldn't it?

So I continue to move through life trying to stay in touch with family and friends via visits, phone calls, email, Facebook, etc. Staying connected to these people is definitely important to me because I feel that these life connections are what makes life worth living. Without all these wonderful people who help me get through this life I would be so sad and lonely. I want my nearest and dearest to know that they are important to me and that I value them. But I still can't manage to send out holiday cards or nice newsletters.

So, if you are kind enough to be reading this post, please know that I appreciate you. My family and I are all happy and healthy. I hope the same is true for you and yours. Here's wishing you all lots of good health and good times in the year ahead. And please do keep in touch. Thanks!


1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you too Jane! I also belong to the same school of thought of not sending holiday letters as much as I enjoy reading them for many of the same reasons. Thank you for your honesty and most importantly, your friendship. Wishing you and your wonderful family a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year!
