Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hey Now!

For more than a year I have entertained the idea of writing a blog. Like many others I feel the need to write down my thoughts and ideas. And like so many others, for some unknown reason, I feel the need to share some of these thoughts and ideas. I think it must be a pretty basic human need to communicate and to feel understood. I know they are two of my most important needs.  So I will write. Whether anyone reads what I write is another matter entirely. But I hope that I will enjoy the writing at least half as much as I've always imagined I would.

Many times when I'm chatting with my Hubby in the evening, we will laugh together and I will say to him, "I'm Funny!" Then he'll say, "You should write it down." So maybe now I will. How fun!


  1. Jane, your writing is amazing!

    I have not been able to stop telling people about your new blog.

    Please add more entries. How else can I get through the day?

    Move over Jane Austin, there's a new writer in town!

  2. Dear Reader,

    Thank you for your kind words. You misspelled Jane Austen's last name but I will forgive you because you are my most devoted fan. I will do my best to live up to your high praise.

  3. Holy shite, you have a blog!

    I think Marc is sucking up to you. To quote Jane Austen: "To flatter and follow others, without being flattered and followed in turn, is but a state of half enjoyment. " Marc, where's your blog?
